DIY Bride: Hydrangea Know-How


So you fell in love with a hydrangea bouquet and you are DIYing your wedding flowers. Here are some simple directions to help you care for them upon arrival to your home. Hydrangea’s need a lot of water, I mean a LOT and submerging is one of the best ways to get them re hydrated.

If you order your flowers from a website they will come packed in a box something like this.


Start by taking a majority of the leaves off.


And place them in a large container full of warm water (gently push them down so air bubbles come out). A clean bathtub is ideal for submerging large quantities, a standard tub can hold up to about 40. You should let them hydrate for at least 20 minutes. After placing all the hydrangeas in the tub you then set a timer for 20 minutes (or more, no more than about 45).

Tip: work your way from one end to the other when putting the hydrangeas in the tub, this will make pulling them out later.


When they are done soaking, gently pull them out and shake excess water out of flower head. Place stem back in the water and cut about 1 inch off the base of stem. As you cut the hydrangeas place them in a large bucket (5 gallon ones from your local hardware store will be perfect) that has been filled to couples of inches below the rim with warm water. Remember to add floral preservative this will help them stay fresh. You should be able to fit about 15  hydrangeas to 1 – 5 gallon bucket. Place the hydrangeas in a dark, cool place until you are ready to design.


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